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    Essentially all the compartments of my brain spilled onto one web page. With lots of Sex and the City references.

    When you read The Great Gatsby in school for English Literature, you are massively fed the idea that the theme of loneliness WILL MOST DEFINITELY come up on your exam paper. I feel like nowadays the book still translates because we all feel a sense of solitude, like every character does in that book. Whether you're someone who takes comfort in solitary confinement to live vicariously through the people around you, like Nick, or more like Daisy, who sets up false pretences as a social butterfly but in fact finds herself lonely amongst groups of people, because in actuality you're never with the one person you enjoy the company of. No matter which character you relate to, it's all there. 

    Right now, I would say I'm on Gatsby loneliness levels. Not so much that I would throw a party to parade my wealth in order to feel more loved (because I don't have said wealth), but in the way that I'm a phone call away from some of my favourite people and yet I'd give anything to sit with them and chat for a full 24 hours about the highs and downfalls of our current situations. There's a lot to be said for those people who make you want to talk. And yet no one says anything, because you're just a phone call away, or a text, or a snapchat, or a DM etc. You get the gist. 

    I think what strikes me as most scary about this kind of loneliness, is that I'm not even in a place where I can find enjoyment in the surroundings of other lonely people. I'm not in a bustling city where everyone on the train is technically alone, but we're still all together as lonely people. I'm just in my house, in my room, cold. And in some ways, even though I had my fun three months being a working woman, it's even harder thinking and sometimes knowing that everyone you want to talk to is out there, living lives that are all the more exciting than yours. Even if it's only a little bit more exciting, like they're only on a bus home after a busy day; at least it's still something.

    Being lonely is something I've written a lot about on here if I can remember correctly. It certainly feels like I have. So maybe I'm just a lonely person, maybe I'm just a Gatsby. 
    Without the parties, the Hotel de Ville house and the manliness that is.


    . Saturday, 17 February 2018 .


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    . Saturday, 17 February 2018 .

    When you read The Great Gatsby in school for English Literature, you are massively fed the idea that the theme of loneliness WILL MOST DEFINITELY come up on your exam paper. I feel like nowadays the book still translates because we all feel a sense of solitude, like every character does in that book. Whether you're someone who takes comfort in solitary confinement to live vicariously through the people around you, like Nick, or more like Daisy, who sets up false pretences as a social butterfly but in fact finds herself lonely amongst groups of people, because in actuality you're never with the one person you enjoy the company of. No matter which character you relate to, it's all there. 

    Right now, I would say I'm on Gatsby loneliness levels. Not so much that I would throw a party to parade my wealth in order to feel more loved (because I don't have said wealth), but in the way that I'm a phone call away from some of my favourite people and yet I'd give anything to sit with them and chat for a full 24 hours about the highs and downfalls of our current situations. There's a lot to be said for those people who make you want to talk. And yet no one says anything, because you're just a phone call away, or a text, or a snapchat, or a DM etc. You get the gist. 

    I think what strikes me as most scary about this kind of loneliness, is that I'm not even in a place where I can find enjoyment in the surroundings of other lonely people. I'm not in a bustling city where everyone on the train is technically alone, but we're still all together as lonely people. I'm just in my house, in my room, cold. And in some ways, even though I had my fun three months being a working woman, it's even harder thinking and sometimes knowing that everyone you want to talk to is out there, living lives that are all the more exciting than yours. Even if it's only a little bit more exciting, like they're only on a bus home after a busy day; at least it's still something.

    Being lonely is something I've written a lot about on here if I can remember correctly. It certainly feels like I have. So maybe I'm just a lonely person, maybe I'm just a Gatsby. 
    Without the parties, the Hotel de Ville house and the manliness that is.


    . Tuesday, 6 February 2018 .

    I recently got a bunch of rolls of film developed and printed. Exciting for you, I know. Because it took so long to do, I now have a huge backlog of photos that I feel like deserve to tell some stories. Christmas is mostly always a travelling event in our family. This year we spent the actual day of Christmas at home, for the first time in what must be about four years. It was pretty great. The only way I could describe it is with the oxymoron of organised spontaneity, a.k.a mum had everything perfectly planned out, and we had no idea what the plan actually was. 

    Christmas is usually the time where we see extended family, as do most people. This year we started off by visiting the lakes on boxing day, to catch up with my dad's side of the family. The lakes never fails to be beautiful, (thank you Beatrix Potter) and it manages to blend the light of the sun, with the temperature of Antarctica so well. Despite the harsh cold, it made a great backdrop for photos of my surprisingly photogenic family.

    A walk down to the lake is an obvious activity to do when actually in the lakes. It is their main attraction hence the name, I highly recommend. It is something that just has to be done every year we've been in that location. I'm only just starting to appreciate it and actually enjoy taking part instead of moaning about walking in the cold. Or just walking in general. But to drive there would be silly considering it's about 2 minutes from the house. My 10 year old self still would've preferred to drive though. 

    This past year was particularly beautiful and the light was stunning, as you can probably tell in the photos below. However, I would NOT advise that you go swimming in the lake like the clearly insane people we saw, no matter how pretty it is. But by all means take a photo and make it look like it was your family who were brave enough to do so. Even though it definitely was not. 

    From the lakes, we drove back on ourselves and further as we ventured to the land of Scot. This is so mum's side of the family wouldn't feel left out. We went to visit my gran and eat lots of chocolate and watch lots of Miss Marple, as everyone should at Christmas. I most definitely recommend that activity. 

    We also visited the place where my parents got married a million years ago, however it was a little bit disappointing and had been refurbished, also known as ruined. I will save them a name drop and a scathing review even though we, of course, prepared a list of complaints. But it really wouldn't be a Stead family trip if we didn't go somewhere slightly arty to mix things up, so we had coffee at The Beacon in Greenock, an arts centre. We in fact did not see any art or any movies but let's pretend that we actually contributed to the appreciation of art, instead of just getting coffee, as we always do.

    All in all, a wonderful Christmas and a cute retrospective of both flattering and unflattering photos.
    I mean, at least I've provided some variety. 

    Thanks for reading :)
